Syrians are suffering from the hands of both Pro-Assad camps and ISIS.

The process of destabilization in the middle east region which started with 2003 invasion of Iraq is now taking more deadly turns. Aleppo and other Syrian cities are facing genocides of people from pro-Assad forces backed by Russia and the Khomenist regime in Iran, and also from the hands of ISIS.

The countries which started this war mess in the middle east especially US, UK and the countries who supported them are not even accepting refugees.

It is the prime responsibility of OIC countries especially bigger countries like Pakistan, Indonesia, Turkey etc. to stand up and start a peace process in the region. At the moment USA, Russia and Iran are playing their super power game in Syria at the cost of innocent lives.

Saudi Arabia and other GCC cannot be trusted with any peace process either as they are playing their own power games at the cost of human lives in Yemen.

People around the world who believe in justice and humanity should raise their voice on the issues.

If the ongoing genocide in Syria doesn’t end then I am afraid that it will create more sectarian hate based wars in the region.

I hope some sense will prevail and someday in-sha-Allah we will see peace in the region.

If we need a revolution or something , we need genuine thinkers and visionaries not so called hakims or so called spiritualists .

If we need a revolution or something , we need genuine thinkers and visionaries not so called hakims or so called spiritualists who copy the ideas re-mold them into their dirty deceptive agenda and use the names and work of great genuine people like Iqbal, Jinnah etc for their bogus agenda. I am seeing lots of good people following these deceivers just in the name of nationalism, patriotism etc .
My suggestion is to use your free mind and sense of justice so that you don’t get misguided by these so called nationalists.


Some of my friends on these views of mine against the war think that I support the terrorists for them I need to say:

Opposing the war doesn’t mean supporting the terrorists.

I consider both army and the suicide bombers or terrorists who are killing the innocent civilians as destroyers of peace and don’t find their actions as just.

The problem is when I oppose the war the “nationalists” think as if I am supporting the
terrorists in fact I am opposing the mess and pointing out to destroy the root cause.

I consider prime responsible for this mess are army and government and reason is they
brought an unwanted war on our land and people.

I oppose the killings of innocent civilians in suicide bombs and by army/air force bombings
but again I consider prime responsibility goes to the country institutions because they (means their key heads rest are just blind followers) created the mess for dollars and this mess has created terrorism.

It was army and government who breached the agreement made by Jinnah for dollars.

It was again army and government with allied forces in Afghanistan with their missile attacks and drone attacks destroyed three peace deals after 2004 .
Before this operation ISPR and Information ministry deliberately tried to mold the facts as if the agreements were broken by tribes but even former army generals like Asad Durrani rejected these claims.
Try to find out how “Neik Muhammad” got killed after the peace deal by USA missile attack and then look at the government reaction of owning it.

The terrorist activities can mainly be categorized as:

1) Revenge of the innocent killings by our forces here and Allied forces in Afghanistan.
Also our support in the form of giving supply route to NATO supplies and Drone attacks are playing it’s part as well.
2) Revenge and anger exploited by enemies of Pakistan but its our fault we are providing them the ground to play with.
3) Attacks like on Shariah academy,Peshawar and Benazir were done by players of weapon-blood-dollar game which includes enemies of Pakistan who want us to remain engaged in the war (so called allies in the so called war against terror) and their pets in our own ranks (politicians, military and civil establishment etc).

After the blast which killed Benazir Bhutto the place and all the evidence was washed within hours and a drama was created to link it with tribal situation which never got proved.
My question is who was being protected here?

4) Not to forget the ethnic and sectarian cards which Musharraf government played with their allied parties and groups to control power, they have also contributed a lot to this mess.

My questions are:

Can we support innocent killings in the name of nationalism?
Can we support injustice in the name of patriotism?
And after doing that can we expect peace?

It’s time to sort out the real problems

Recent attacks on civilians are not only horrible but highly condemnable but with all the condemnation and anger we need to sort out the real problems which have become the real cause of this mess.

The terrorist activities in Pakistan are a result of capitalist-imperialism, greed of
our leaders, absence of justice and lack of accountability of our institutions.

If we think that few thousand Talibans ( with all the disagreements and agreements with wrongs and rights of their system) or some other force can rule us then it means we
are admitting that our state structure is garbage and if you are talking about changing the culture or ideology by force…No chance.

The terrorist activities can mainly be categorized as:

1) Revenge of the innocent killings by our forces here and Allied forces in Afghanistan.Also
our support in the form of giving supply route to NATO supplies and Drone attacks are playing it’s part as well.
2) Revenge and anger exploited by enemies of Pakistan but its our fault we are providing them the ground to play with.
3) Attacks like on Shariah academy,Peshawar and Benazir were done by players of weapon-blood-dollar game which includes enemies of Pakistan who want us to remain engaged in the war (so called allies in the so called war against terror) and their pets in our own ranks (politicians, military and civil establishment etc).

4) Not to forget the ethnic and sectarian cards which Musharraf government played with their
allied parties and groups to control power, they have also contributed a lot to this mess.

The only solution is to bring system of justice, re-establishment of tribal institutions and accountability of institutions and leaders to fix the internal problems.

As far as the external part of the solution we need to tell USA and NATO to get out from Afghanistan and end this baseless war and if they don’t we need to come out of this war on our own, stop NATO supplies from Pakistan, stop Drone attacks by any means and convey the Pros of peace and Cons of this war to the the rest of the world.

The Zionist Game Plan–>comment on a friend’s blog

Looking at history and comparing it with what is happening at present gives a real good idea of what is happening around.

The Zionists controlling the major part of world economy and busy in fulfilling their evil goals have brought the humanity on the verge of destruction.

The comments below are given by me on my friend’s blog regarding the current situation in the world and specially Pakistan (full of typos so forgive for inconvenience).

Well the pattern is really interesting:

On the world stage the zionists put plots to start:

1) Crusades ( a clash between Christians and Muslims well cashed by zionists and knights Templers(later become free masons)).

2) Their first target was to capture the christian world so they exploited differences between various groups (protestants,orthodox and catholics etc) and as a result europe saw the real deadly wars during medieval ages.

3) Later they used their hold on europe (specially british empire) to rule most part of the world.

4) then during the early half of 20th century they were able to start to world wars which resulted in the collapse of ottoman caliphate(during first world war), weakening of europe and more dependency on zionists economic aids(even they sacrificed their jews),transfer of keys of world game from british to USA(zionists new power centre),creation of the state of Israel(as a result of fall of the ottoman caliphate),rise of a two blocks (capitalist lead by USA and communist lead by Soviet Union) which helped in achieving their evil goals of destruction and making smaller countries dependent on them(zionists funded both sides).

5) After the end of cold war they need a new war ground to play with so they used the phenomenon of War Against Terrorism and the reason is that they have understood that the only ideology which can come in their way is Islam and the other goal is to cater china as a growing economic and defence power (the problem with china is that it has not become a part of their game yet and so a power like china is not acceptable for them).

6) To marginalise the enemy they have made inroad through traitors and by using internal weaknesses (ethnic and sectarian differences). Just have a look the pattern they are using:In Labenon using Sunni govt. to fight against Shia Hesbollah,In Palestine using nationalist Al-Fatah to fight religious Hamas,In Iraq using Shia govt. against Sunni Arabs and using Sunni Kurds against Sunni Arabs(exploitation of both ethnic and sectarian weaknesses),Creating Arab-Iran Tension and to fuel that they supply weapons to Arab and let Iran get it from underworld or Russians etc(As Iran will grow strong the chances of Iran-USA war will be more and zionists don’t care about the life losses of USA or even its destruction ,all they want is the strengthening of their rule on the world),They have successfully finished the chances of a possible anti-USA alliance in west asian region(Iran,Iraq,Afghanistan and Pakistan)by using sectarian differences and now look Sunnis,Wahabis and Shias are now in the state of an ideological clash specially in Pakistan where the govt. mostly controlled or supported by so called liberals(another division they created using the Turkish model they used to destroy ottoman caliphate),barelvis and followers of sufism and some sects of shias are in a position of clash with wahabis and deobandis (which west calls jihadi Islam) and followers of all sects of Sunni,Shia and Wahabis (based on their internal differences and years of hatred being created for each other) think that others are working to destroy them and also playing in the hands of zionists and other enemies of Islam and this DIVIDE AND RULE policy is used very well by traitors in the country sitting in government, military and civilian institutions,at the same time they are exploiting ethnic differences (just look at the voting trend in Pakistan and the hatred very intelligently fueled before elections, people supported their ethnic group so as to stop the other group from coming in power) and now the situation has become really confusing.

7) Also to cater their “Future” potential threat China they are using Issues of Xing Jang China,Tibet,Taiwan and other minor areas.

Now What:

The Way out I suggest for Muslims is given by Quran:

“And hold fast to the rope of Allah and do not be divided.” (Qur’an 3:103)

and in general the world must realize that zionism has nothing to do with classical Christianity,Judaism,Islam or any other religion , they are a group of people who simply don’t want to give the luxury of other human beings to exist(they don’t consider them human beings at all).

World and specially muslims have to use their brains to work for a system of justice and peace for the humanity as a whole Otherwise what I see is clash and then destruction of humanity.

May Allah guide us and help us.

” O ye who believe! stand out firmly for Allah, as witnesses to fair dealing, and let not the hatred of others to you make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice. Be just: that is …next to piety: and fear Allah. For Allah is well-acquainted with all that ye do.”(Al-Maida , 8 )