Bonfire of dolls lit by Jews in Israel to protest at slaughter of children in Gaza: Thankyou JAG for keeping the hope of peace alive

I felt some hope today when I read a group of Jewish people in Israel showed solidarity with the children of Gaza by protesting in Israel against the genocide of Palestinians by Netanyahu regime.

Salute to these people who took part in the protests organized by Jews Against Genocide (JAG) movement.

People who have suffered the horror of a genocide should feel the pain especially when their own government is doing the same with Palestinians.

When Hitler was doing his massacre of humanity, there were people like Oskar Schindler in Germany who were keeping the humanity alive.

I am glad to see the other side of Israel which shows there is still a chance of peace.

Fear of the other kind is a useful tool in the hands of people like Hitler, Netanyahu, Pakistan’s very own dictator Yahya and others like them.

Its up to the common people to reject this “creating fear and controlling masses” policy. We need to do it not just for the other side and their rights as humans but also for our rights and freedom too.

Wrong actions and policies, if accepted as norms or principles will eventually hit us too and we will have no moral justification to oppose such actions if we would have supported them in the beginning against other people.

According to a news on

Bonfire of dolls lit by Jews in Israel to protest at slaughter of children in Gaza

Jewish protesters set aflame dolls covered in red paint at Yad Vashem, Israel’s holocaust memorial museum, 12 July 2014. Source:

Jewish protesters set aflame dolls covered in red paint at Yad Vashem, Israel’s holocaust memorial museum, 12 July 2014. Source:


JEWISH PROTESTERS set fire to dolls to symbolise the children of Gaza to bring a glimpse of the horror that Gaza faces to Israel’s doorstep.

On 12th July 2014, a group called Jews Against Genocide (JAG) held a memorial service for Palestinian children killed by Israel in its current attack on Gaza. JAG set aflame to a pile of dolls covered in red paint at Yad Vashem, Israel’s holocaust memorial museum.

Jews Against Genocide (JAG) is a movement of Jews from all over the world, including Israelis, who are protesting against Israel’s intent to commit genocide against the non-Jewish indigenous people of Palestine.

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A message to sensible people in Israel on Hamas and Iran’s no Israel stance

We have been listening the concerns of western and Israeli people over the statements by Iran or Hamas or Hezbollah who don’t accept Israel. There are few things which Israelis and the supporters of Israel should understand in this situation.

First is that if Israel keeps creating Gaza like situation then this idea will take more firm roots. In 1947 when UN was voting for partition, even Muslim countries like Pakistan first approached Arabs to take part in the voting and support the partition. The main demand of Arabs at that time was that Israel and its supporters need to give them proper assurances that Israel will not go for expansionism.

Even I and many Muslims/Arabs support the two state solution of middle east but if Israel keeps killing Palestinians, keeps expanding its territory and keeps the blockade then I don’t think Israel will remain with peace and will always face this existential problem especially with emerging new ways of asymmetric warfare. They need to realize that not everyone buys the “Chosen People” logic which they have sold to Americans and Europeans for a long time.

For many the idea looks absurd that a group of people leaves the land thousands of years ago based on their own will (or the will of the God) and then comes back to forcefully reclaim their promised land from people who remained in the area and most of them converted to another religion. Even Orthodox Jews and Many Bible believing Christians including Bethlehem Church doesn’t buy the whole idea.

If Israel wants peace and proper recognition then it needs to come out of the Stern Gang mentality they are showing for many decades. Many of them even include Jordan as part of their promised land plan and Jordan is the one which recognizes Israel. Israel uses holocaust as an excuse to cover up what it is doing but without keeping in context that it was Europe which persecuted them for centuries and it was Nazis who did the holocaust. Muslims and Ottomans especially gave them refuge in the are and allowed them to live, buy properties, do businesses and farming, and hold high government positions. Even in early 20th century days there were many stories of how Muslims at that time supported and protected the persecuted Jews ( ).

A lot has happened in last 6-7 decades which has added to the bitterness and blockade or bombing of Gaza (simply to test its Iron dome project) will not help any cause. Israel thinks that with USA backed military superiority, it will keep doing what it is doing but in changing Middle East and rise of new poles (Palestinian voting should give some idea) will not give it an easy time. Even today many Arabs/Palestinians and other Muslims can accept 1947 plan but again Israel has to quit its expansionism plans and violations of human rights.

Israel needs to understand one basic thing:

No Justice No Peace!

Shame on Israelis who are murdering children in Gaza and also shame on pro-zionist people who support Israeli government

Recent attack on Gaza by Israel is another example of how this global system based on hypocrisy and lies works. According to reports several people have lost their lives including women, old and children. Response from the so called champions of freedom and human rights is as usual just some formal lip service and nothing else. Not only the response lack the required condemnation to Israel but it was in a way supporting to Israel.

According to media reports, the administration of Nobel Peace Prize Winner USA President Barrack Obama (famous for his drones policy) has said that they recognize the right of Israel to defend itself as if the Israeli attack is about defending itself. On the other hand some of the Zionist lobby members in media are only focusing on some rockets fired by Hamas in response to Israeli heavy artillery and aerial bombing on civilian populations.

Its time for freedom and justice loving people of the world to raise their voice and take some practical measures to stop this holocaust and apartheid of Palestinian population by Israeli terrorist forces. It seem Israel, even after forming a so called state, is still sticking to its stern gang roots.

We condemned Israeli racist war against Palestinians and condemned the actions of these 21st century Nazis of Israel.

Israelis need to realize that if they want any kind of acceptance in the region then they have to stop mass murdering people and end this apartheid of Palestinians.

A good message for Israelis by a Jewish MP of UK parliament:



Einstein Letter to Shepard Rifkin on Isareli Terrorists

One of the best minds in history, a great physicists and a Jew himself,Albert Einstein criticized the creation of  Israel by Zionist terrorists and called it a possible reason for future catastrophe for Jews.

Many Jews who believed in Orthodox Judaism also oppose the state of Israel and consider Zionism as anti-Semitic.
Below is the letter by Einstein to Shepard Rifkin on Israeli Terrorists.

The letter was written on 10th April after the massacre of Arabs at Deir Yassin by the Stern Gang terrorists or Lohamei Herut Yisrael (LEHI) meaning fighters for the freedom of Israel.

The Stern Gang terrorists were supported by American Friends of the Fighters for the Freedom of Israel and Mr. Shepard Rifkin was the executive director after the UN Partition of Palestine and prior to the creation of Israel in May 1948.

Muslims and all the sensible people must get unite to stop this cartoon madness by enemies of peace.

Since September 2005 a deliberate attempt is being made to make the world move towards the satanic philosophy by Zionists in Europe and all over the world i.e. the clash of civilization.

The issue resulted in a row of anger and finally was settled after the EU apology to the Muslims during 2005 and 2006 is now ignited again by the enemies of peace again who are planning for a global war to fulfill there evil agendas.

They take support, from the advocates of unethical freedom of speech and expression but when it comes to criticizing or even questioning the Holocaust and the authenticity provided to the world (many still believe it was a drama to gain sympathy and achieving the Zionist agenda nevertheless I don’t give a damn to that but unfortunately the punishment is given to those who were not involved i.e. Palestinians).

The time has come for the people who believe in justice and peace and specially the Muslim rulers to end there dead attitude must take some practical measures to stop this non-sense otherwise the consequences will be unbearable.

The time has come to expose the real terrorists (who are also behind the cartoons episode of expressional terrorism).